"Google Finds Zero-Day Security Flaws in All Your Favorite Browsers"

Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG) has shared details about four zero-day security vulnerabilities found in popular web browsers, including Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Safari. The zero-day flaws discovered in these web browsers were exploited earlier in 2021 and used as part of three different campaigns. An assessment of the three exploits revealed their development by the same surveillance company that sold these capabilities to two different government-backed actors. In addition to explaining the vulnerabilities, the researchers drew attention to the increase in the number of attacks involving zero-day exploits. According to the researchers, 33 publicly disclosed zero-day exploits had been used in attacks so far this year. In 2020, a total of 22 zero-day exploits were discovered. This article continues to discuss the zero-day security vulnerabilities found in popular web browsers and what the increase in the number of zero-day exploits suggests.  

TechRadar reports "Google Finds Zero-Day Security Flaws in All Your Favorite Browsers"

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