"Iranian Spies Tried Hacking US Military Personnel by Posing as Job Recruiters on Facebook"

Facebook discovered on Thursday that Iranian government-backed hackers were targeting U.S. military personnel and companies in the defense and aerospace industries, primarily in the US and to a lesser extent in the UK and Europe, on their platform.  Facebook linked the campaign to a group known alternately as Tortoiseshell or Imperial Kitten, which primarily had focused on Middle East targets before. This time, they were mainly preoccupied with the United States.  As part of a social engineering effort, the hackers posed via fake online personas as defense and aerospace industry recruiters or claimed to work in hospitality, journalism, medicine, or non-governmental organizations.  The social media giant stated that they removed the offending accounts, blocked the sharing of malicious domains, notified potential victims, and shared threat information with others in its industry.  Those blocked domains included fake recruiting websites, a spoofed U.S. Department of Labor job site, and several that used the Trump family name.


CyberScoop reports: "Iranian Spies Tried Hacking US Military Personnel by Posing as Job Recruiters on Facebook"

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