"BlackMatter & Haron: Evil Ransomware Newborns or Rebirths"

DarkSide and REvil ransomware gangs have recently gone dark, but researchers at Ars Technica may have just discovered the rebranded version of the two ransomware groups or two completely new ransomware gangs.  Both of the newly discovered ransomware gangs were found in July.  The first new group to appear this month was Haron, and the second is named BlackMatter.  Both ransomware groups are claiming to be focused on targets with deep pockets that can pay ransoms in the millions of dollars. They’re also virtue-signaling and talk about sparing hospitals, critical infrastructure, and nonprofits, much like the ransomware gang DarkSide did in the past.  


Threatpost reports: "BlackMatter & Haron: Evil Ransomware Newborns or Rebirths"

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