"Hackers Steal $150 Million Worth of Cryptocurrency From BitMart"
Cryptocurrency trading platform BitMart on Sunday announced that it has suspended withdrawals after discovering a cybersecurity incident that resulted in theft. The platform claims that only the Ethereum (ETH) and Binance Smart Chain (BSC) hot wallets were impacted, and notes that the two wallets were compromised using stolen private keys. According to BitMart, the attackers were able to steal $150 million in cryptocurrency from the two wallets. Blockchain security company PeckShield, on the other hand, estimates that the exchange, in fact, lost roughly $196 million. PeckShield also says that the hackers swapped the stolen tokens using the 1inch decentralized exchange aggregator and then used the privacy mixer Tornado Cash to deposit the funds, which allowed them to keep their identities hidden. The exchange platform says the compromised ETH and BSC hot wallets contained only a small percentage of its assets and that all of its remaining wallets are secure and unharmed. BitMart stated that they would use their own funding to cover the incident and compensate affected users.
SecurityWeek reports: "Hackers Steal $150 Million Worth of Cryptocurrency From BitMart"