"Passports Now Most Attacked Form of ID"
Onfido has recently released its annual report titled "Identity Fraud Report." Document fraud specialists at Onfido process, millions of identity documents every year, helping clients detect fraud across 2,500 document types issued by 195 countries. The company's findings in the report are based on analysis of data collected from October 1, 2020, to October 1, 2021. Researchers at Onfido have found that passports are now the most frequently attacked form of identity document. The researchers also found that fraudsters typically prefer to create a fake document from scratch rather than doctor a genuine ID. The researchers stated that over 90% of ID fraud in the past year involved counterfeit documents using a complete reproduction of an original document instead of adapting an existing ID. Over the past year, 47% of all identity document fraud was classed as "medium" sophisticated fraud, which is a 57% increase compared with the previous year. Losses from identity theft also grew significantly, increasing by 42% to reach $712bn in 2020.
Infosecurity reports: "Passports Now Most Attacked Form of ID"