"FBI: Cybercriminals Are Mailing Out USB Drives That Install Ransomware"
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is warning of a cybercrime group that has been mailing out USB thumb drives in an effort to spread ransomware. The USB drives, sent in the mail through the US Postal Service and United Parcel Service, contain 'BadUSB' attacks. One USB drive was found to contain a message appearing to be a COVID-19 warning from the US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Other malicious USB drives were sent with a gift card claiming to be from Amazon. BadUSB exploits the USB standard's versatility, thus enabling an attacker to reprogram a USB drive to perform malicious activities such as emulating a keyboard to create commands a computer, installing malware before the OS booting, spoofing a network card, redirecting traffic, and more. This article continues to discuss additional information shared by the FBI about new BadUSB attacks.
ZDNet reports "FBI: Cybercriminals Are Mailing Out USB Drives That Install Ransomware"