"Over 200 Organizations Take Part in CISA's Cyber Storm Exercise"
The US Homeland Security Department's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) recently hosted a three-day national cyber exercise called Cyber Storm VIII to test preparedness to a cyber-crisis that impacts critical infrastructure. Over 2,000 participants from government, private sector, and international organizations helped assess cybersecurity preparedness and incident response as well as identify possibilities for information sharing. During the exercise, participants simulated the process of discovering and responding to a widespread coordinated cyberattack. The scenario used involved ransomware and data exfiltration attacks against operational and traditional enterprise systems. CISA works with the nation's critical infrastructure stakeholders to ensure cyber resilience is continuously assessed and strengthened through the Cyber Storm exercise. This article continues to discuss the goal, participants, and structure of CISA's Cyber Storm exercise.
Security Week reports "Over 200 Organizations Take Part in CISA's Cyber Storm Exercise"