"Building Stronger and Faster Blockchains"
A team of researchers has developed an algorithm, which is a new Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus protocol, to improve the resiliency, efficiency, and speed of blockchains. The new BFT consensus protocol can overcome faults and avoid system failures in blockchain applications. The blockchain system becomes more resilient as fault tolerance increases. The new algorithm, dubbed Damysus by the researchers, improves upon the current state-of-the-art BFT consensus protocols such as HotStuff, which is used for Facebook's Libra blockchain. Using the new algorithm, the researchers were able to increase the fault tolerance of blockchain and increase the number of transactions per second by 87.5 percent. BFT protocols can be used to make cybersecurity more resilient. This article continues to discuss the potential applications of the Damysus algorithm in both traditional computing systems and in applications that use blockchain technology.
Monash University reports "Building Stronger and Faster Blockchains"