"NIST Leaning on Strong Feedback for Cyber Framework Update"
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is working on updating its influential Cybersecurity Framework, which was first published in 2014 and updated in 2018. A NIST official stated on May 17 that the agency is relying on industry feedback for the new update. According to Kevin Stine, chief of NIST's Applied Cybersecurity Division, NIST issued a request for information (RFI) in February to gather input on three categories: the Cybersecurity Framework, cybersecurity resources, and supply chain cybersecurity. The RFI was closed at the end of April, and Stine stated that most of the 130-135 comment submissions NIST received focused on the Cybersecurity Framework. NIST was thrilled with the volume of feedback it received, as well as with submissions from various organizations, including associations representing thousands of companies across the sector and around the world. This article continues to discuss NIST's efforts to update its Cybersecurity Framework.
MeriTalk reports "NIST Leaning on Strong Feedback for Cyber Framework Update"