"Emotet Malware Stealing Credit Card Info From Users of Google Chrome"
The Emotet botnet is now attempting to infect potential targets with a credit card stealer module that collects credit card information from Google Chrome user profiles. The malware sends the stolen credit card information, including name, expiration month, year, and card number, to command-and-control (C2) servers other than the ones the Emotet card stealer module uses. Emotet is known for dropping the QBot and Trickbot malware Trojan payloads on infected devices, which are then used to install additional malware such as Cobalt Strike beacons and ransomware such as Ryuk and Conti. In early 2021, Emotet's infrastructure was shut down as part of an international law enforcement operation that also led to the arrest of two people. German law enforcement used Emotet's own infrastructure against the botnet on April 25, 2021, supplying a module that eliminated the malware from affected devices. This article continues to discuss observations surrounding the Emotet malware stealing credit card information from Google Chrome users, as well as the history of this malware.
CyberIntelMag reports "Emotet Malware Stealing Credit Card Info From Users of Google Chrome"