"Akamai Reveals New Research on Top Three Internet Security Threats"

Akamai revealed three new research reports at the 2022 RSA conference that focus on three of the most critical areas of web security, which include ransomware, web applications and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), and Domain Name System (DNS) traffic. The Akamai research team made new discoveries regarding threat actor behavior via popular attack traffic and methodologies after analyzing trillions of data points across its platforms. The three reports connect the most notable security trends and map today's attack landscape. An updated analysis of ransomware attack trends highlights risks and recommends mitigation. An examination of web application and API attack trends provides insight into the infection vectors used by ransomware operators and others. A DNS study supplements the reports by providing a view of overall threats examined through one of the Internet's most core technologies. This article continues to discuss key findings from each of Akamai's new research reports on ransomware, web application and API threats, and DNS traffic. 

PR Newswire reports "Akamai Reveals New Research on Top Three Internet Security Threats"


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