"Since 2004, the Average American Has Had at Least 7 Data Breaches"
According to a recent report by IT security firm Surfshark, US citizens face the most cyber threats compared to people worldwide. Surkshark discovered that the average American had been affected by at least seven data breaches since 2004 after analyzing nearly two decades of data on cyber incidents. US citizens have been subjected to an estimated 2.3 billion account compromises, while Russia ranks second with 2.2 billion account compromises, followed by China, Germany, and France. Agneska Sablovskaja, data researcher at Surfshark, revealed that 191 accounts are breached per 100 people on a global basis, but in the US, this number increases to 694 per 100 people. The number of hacked American accounts is so large that it accounts for roughly 15 percent of all breached users worldwide. Statistically, every Internet user in the US has lost 27 data points on average due to online breaches, the majority of which were emails, passwords, and usernames. Since 2004, a total of 8.7 billion American last names, IP addresses, first names, passwords, usernames, and other data have been sold or leaked online. This means that a specific username is quite likely to have been grouped with other personal data, providing hackers easy access to other victims' accounts, emails, images, or documents. This article continues to discuss the key findings from Surfshark's analysis of global data on cyber incidents.
SC Media reports "Since 2004, the Average American Has Had at Least 7 Data Breaches"