"Potent Emotet Variant Spreads Via Stolen Email Credentials"
Emotet's return in April appears to be the comeback for what was considered the most dangerous malware in the world, as researchers have noticed new malicious phishing campaigns involving hijacked emails to spread new variations of the malware. Deep Instinct's Charles Everette highlighted in a blog post that the "new and improved" version of Emotet is collecting and exploiting stolen credentials, which are then weaponized to further distribute the Emotet binaries. Emotet continues to use many of the same attack vectors it has in the past, but the problem is that these attacks are becoming more complex and are evading today's standard security technologies for detecting and filtering such attacks. This article continues to discuss the resurgence and history of the Emotet malware.
Threatpost reports "Potent Emotet Variant Spreads Via Stolen Email Credentials"