"A Simple Tool To Make Websites More Secure and Curb Hacking"
An international team of researchers has created a scanning tool to reduce the vulnerability of websites to hacking and cyberattacks. The black box security assessment prototype, which was tested by engineers in Australia, Pakistan, and the UAE, outperforms existing web scanners that collectively fail to detect the top ten weaknesses in web applications. Cybercrime costs the world nearly $6 trillion in 2021, representing a 300 percent increase in online criminal activity over the previous two years. In addition, data breaches have skyrocketed as a result of cloud-based platforms, malware, and phishing scams, while the rollout of 5G and Internet of Things (IoT) devices has increased connectivity and the vulnerability to attacks. The team highlighted several security vulnerabilities contained by web applications and how these weaknesses are costing organizations. Because of the widespread use of eCommerce, iBanking, and eGovernment sites, web applications have become a prime target for cybercriminals looking to steal personal and corporate information and disrupt business operations. According to the team, they have not found a single scanner that can counter all these vulnerabilities. Their prototype tool is said to cater to all these challenges as a one-stop guide to ensuring 100 percent website security. This article continues to discuss the increase in cybercrime and data breaches and the black box security assessment prototype developed to bolster website security against attacks.
UniSA reports "A Simple Tool To Make Websites More Secure and Curb Hacking"