"US Plans to Help Universities Protect Security of Research"

The US Department of Commerce has announced a new initiative to collaborate with universities to protect potentially sensitive research products from theft by foreign agents. The Commerce Department's assistant secretary for export enforcement, Matthew S. Axelrod, announced the Academic Outreach Initiative during a speech at the annual meeting of the National Association of College and University Attorneys. The federal government wants to empower colleges and universities to prevent unauthorized exports, including releases of controlled technology, and to make better decisions about their future and ongoing partnerships with foreign universities and companies by working closely with universities that conduct research with potential national security implications. A part of the initiative is to identify the universities and research institutions considered to be at high risk because they conduct research for the Department of Defense, have ties to restricted foreign universities, or perform studies in sensitive technologies. The Academic Outreach Initiative also aims to provide training to prioritized research institutions on potential threats. This article continues to discuss the purpose, goals, and elements of the Academic Outreach Initiative. 

Inside Higher ED reports "US Plans to Help Universities Protect Security of Research"




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