"Pro-Russian Cybercriminals Briefly DDoS Congress.gov"
Recently a pro-Russian cybercrime group attacked the Congress.gov web domain resulting in temporary downtime that "briefly affected public access," the Library of Congress stated. KillNet, a pro-Russian group, launched a series of distributed denial-of-service attacks on targets around the world perceived as hostile to the Russian government and recently posted a video that included a 503 error page alongside an image of President Joe Biden. The group stated on their Telegram channel, "They have money for weapons for the whole world, but not for their own defense." The site was "intermittently affected" by the DDoS attack starting at about 9 p.m. Thursday and returned to normal operation just after 11 p.m. The Library of Congress noted that it used existing measures to address the attack quickly, resulting in minimal downtime. It was also stated that the library's network was not compromised, and no data was lost due to the attack. KillNet is one of several pro-Russian cybercriminal groups to emerge in the wake of the Feb. 24 Russian invasion of Ukraine.
CyberScoop reports: "Pro-Russian Cybercriminals Briefly DDoS Congress.gov"