"Identifying Key Risks Is Top Cybersecurity Challenge"
According to a new Skybox Security study, risk-based strategies are the most effective in preventing security breaches. Of the companies taking a risk-based approach, 48 percent suffered no breaches, and 50 percent are top performers in TTM (Time To Mitigation). In addition, 46 percent are top performers in response time. Cyber risk is undergoing a paradigm shift in the cybersecurity industry. To prevent breaches, CISOs must shift their focus from the traditional volume play of identifying vulnerabilities and simply adhering to cybersecurity frameworks to a risk-based approach to reducing actual exposure, according to Gidi Cohen, CEO and founder of Skybox Security. Leaders at the board level have been found to care more about their risk profile than how many vulnerabilities were patched each month. CISOs must validate and report on how they are taking measurable and proactive steps to reduce risk and the financial impact of a breach on their organization. Among the study's other findings, organizations experienced 15 percent more cybersecurity incidents in 2021 than in 2020. Furthermore, material breaches, which are those resulting in a large loss, compromising many records, or having a significant impact on business operations, increased by 24.5 percent. This article continues to discuss key findings from Skybox Security's new study.
BetaNews reports "Identifying Key Risks Is Top Cybersecurity Challenge"