"Ransomware Hit on European Pipeline & Energy Supplier Encevo Linked to BlackCat"

On July 25th, Encevo group, an energy supplier based in Luxembourg, stated that its subsidiaries had been breached in a ransomware attack.  They are currently investigating the extent of the damage done.  It has now been discovered that the BlackCat ransomware group posted 150GB of data on its extortion site, purportedly stolen from Encevo, including contracts, passports, bills, and emails.  The group is threatening to release the data within hours if the ransom isn't paid.  The ransomware attack specifically affected natural gas-pipeline operator Creos and the energy supplier Enovos.  Encevo assured customers that supply would not be disrupted due to the attack but recommended that customers update their login details as soon as possible. 


Dark Reading reports: "Ransomware Hit on European Pipeline & Energy Supplier Encevo Linked to BlackCat"

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