"Gaming Sector Cyberattacks Up 167% in Last 12 Months"

Security researchers at Akamai have discovered that cyberattacks in the gaming sector have increased by 167% in the last year.  The researchers also found that the United States is the main target of attackers, followed by Switzerland, India, Japan, the United Kingdom, and other nations throughout Europe and Asia.  The researchers stated that gaming is the industry hit by the most distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks globally, accounting for 35% of all DDoS traffic worldwide.  The researchers noted that as gaming activity has increased and evolved, so has the value of disrupting it through cyberattacks.  The researchers stated that cybercriminals typically disrupt live services and co-opt credentials to steal gaming assets.  Also, with the industry’s expansion into cloud gaming, new threat surfaces have opened up for attackers by bringing in new players who are prime targets for bad actors.  The researchers stated that attacks on gamers and game platforms, with web application attacks, have more than doubled over the past year.  In this regard, attacks comprise three key attack vectors: LFI, SQLi, and XSS.  DDoS and ransomware also remained major threats.  The researchers stated that cybercriminals know there is value in targeting the gaming sector, and they will continue to target the industry in the future.  


Infosecurity reports: "Gaming Sector Cyberattacks Up 167% in Last 12 Months"

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