"Does Your Cybercrime Prevention Program Work?"
KELA surveyed 400 security team members in the US responsible for gathering cybercrime threat intelligence to learn more about whether they are proactively scanning the dark web and other cybercriminal sources, what tools they are using, what gaps exist in their cybercrime threat intelligence approaches, and more. According to David Carmiel, CEO of KELA, organizations may be less prepared than they should be for threats emerging from the cybercrime underground. He emphasizes that the threats are more comprehensive, and what organizations know and refer to as the dark web changes by the hour. Of the surveyed security team members, 69 percent are concerned about threats from the cybercrime underground, 54 percent would not be surprised to find their organization's data on the underground, and 59 percent of respondents do not believe their current cybercrime prevention program is very effective. This article continues to discuss key findings from KELA's survey of 400 US security team members regarding challenges and concerns associated with threats from the cybercrime underground.
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