"Here's 5 of the World's Riskiest Connected Devices"
Forescout's research team examined 19 million connected devices deployed across five industries to identify the riskiest device groups, which are smart buildings, medical devices, networking equipment, IP cameras, VoIP, and video conferencing systems. The increasing number and diversity of connected devices in every industry introduces new challenges for organizations in understanding and managing risks. The attack surface now includes Information Technology (IT), Internet of Things (IoT), Operational Technology (OT), and Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) devices. Because attackers can use devices from different categories to carry out attacks, focusing defenses on risky devices in one category is insufficient. Researchers have already demonstrated R4IoT, an attack that begins with an IP camera (IoT), moves to a workstation (IT), and disables Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) (OT), according to Daniel dos Santos, Forescout's Head of Security Research. IT devices remain the primary target of malware, including ransomware, and the primary entry points for malicious actors. These actors exploit vulnerabilities on Internet-connected devices, such as servers running unpatched operating systems and business applications, or they use social engineering and phishing techniques to trick employees into installing malicious code on their computers. This year, hypervisors, or specialized servers that host Virtual Machines (VMs), is on the list. This device, which is currently a favorite target for ransomware gangs, allows attackers to encrypt multiple VMs simultaneously. This article continues to discuss findings from Forescout's analysis of 19 million connected devices used across different industries.
Help Net Security reports "Here's 5 of the World's Riskiest Connected Devices"