"Phishing Infects Thousands of Personal And Business Computers With IceXLoader Malware"

Due to an ongoing phishing operation, a new malware variant called "IceXLoader" has infected thousands of residential and business users. The creators of IceXLoader, a malware loader discovered in the wild last summer, have released version 3.3.3 of the tool, which includes a multi-stage distribution chain and improved functionality. IceXLoader was at version 3.0 when Fortinet discovered the Nim-based malware in June 2022, but it lacked certain essential functionality and appeared to be in development. The most recent IceXLoader release marks a departure from the project's beta development phase. IceXLoader 3.3.3 copies itself into two folders labeled with the operator's nicknames and then gathers and exfiltrates host data to the command-and-control (C2) server, including the IP address, username, machine name, Windows OS version, hardware information, presence of Framework v2.0 and/or v4.0, and more. The loader supports stopping execution, restarting IceXLoader, changing C2 server beaconing interval, loading and executing a .NET assembly, and other commands. This article continues to discuss the impact and capabilities of the IceXLoader 3.3.3.

CyberIntelMag reports "Phishing Infects Thousands of Personal And Business Computers With IceXLoader Malware"

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