"50 Million Password Heist Shows Info-Stealing Is on the Rise"

According to Group-IB, during the first seven months of 2022, different cybercriminal gangs infected more than 890,000 user devices and stole over 50 million passwords. Group-IB discovered 34 Russian-speaking groups behind information-stealing malware offered as a stealer-as-a-service model. The cyber gangs mainly use Racoon and Redline stealers to gather passwords for Amazon, PayPal, and gaming accounts such as Steam and Roblox. Payment records and cryptocurrency wallet information are also being stolen by information-stealer malware. The groups discovered by Group-IB appear to coordinate their attacks through Telegram groups in Russian. The US, Brazil, India, Germany, and Indonesia account for most of their targets. This article continues to discuss the observations regarding the diversification of cybercrime, information-stealing malware, and why gangs offer Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS) subscriptions. 

Security Intelligence reports "50 Million Password Heist Shows Info-Stealing Is on the Rise"

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