Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) - Call for Papers

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) - Call for Papers

HFES is looking for submissions of research and practice related to the human and cybersecurity!  HFES is interested in building a broad community between human and cyber experts.  The HFES society has added a CyberTechnical Group which will be accepting papers and awarding a cash award for Best paper at their Annual Meeting.  In addition, they have added a cybersecurity focus at their pre-conference "ErgoX" event this year, ErgoX CYBER.

Participate at the 64th Annual Meeting of HFES by submitting a proposal for consideration of presentation.  Our new new proposal management platform will make it easier than ever to submit a proposal.  HFES reserves the right to modify dates. 

  • Annual Meeting Submission Deadline - 2/24/2020
  • Annual Meeting Decision Notifications Sent - 4/13/2020
  • Annual Meeting Proceedings Prep/Upload Site Opens - 5/4/2020
  • Annual Meeting Final Proceedings Papers Due - 5/28/2020
  • Annual Meeting Final Session Schedule Released - 6/1/2020
  • Annual Meeting Begins - 10/5/2020

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Additional Information at HFES  [ ]

About HFES

The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, founded in 1957, is the world’s largest scientific association for human factors/ergonomics professionals. HFES serves the needs of members and the public by promoting and advancing the discovery and exchange of knowledge concerning the characteristics of human beings that are applicable to the design of systems, products, tools, and environments of all kinds.

HFES envisions a future in which the reach, relevance, and quality of human factors/ergonomics are greatly expanded by enriching the science and enhancing its impact on solving societal problems by embracing outward-facing collaborations.

The Society’s 4,500 members work in educational institutions, companies, government and military research centers, and independent consultancies in 58 countries. About 15% of members are students.
HFES is a Federated Society of the International Ergonomics Association.
“Human Factors and Ergonomics: People-Friendly Design Through Science and Engineering”

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