Science News Puzzle 2023

Hi Everyone, 

I see you have found the puzzle in Science News.  You might be wondering what does it say? There is a message encoded there.  See if you can find it.  Below is an answer checker.

Good luck with figuring the message out.  When do you, let me know how you figured it out 


Oh, if you need the puzzle text: 

Njg 3 NDc 0NzA zYT JmM mY3M zZm Nz MyZDc2 N mYy Z T Z mNzI 2 NzJm NmM 2NTc0Nz M 2Nz ZmN mY2ZjZ mNmYyZg==

We in the NSA Science of Security Program have done other puzzles for Science News. I've posted an index page.


To use the checker, your answer should be all lower case and without spaces.