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Jiang, X. ., Wang, Q. ., Du, M. ., Ding, Y. ., Hao, J. ., Li, Y. ., & Liu, Q. . (2022). Research on GIS Isolating Switch Mechanical Fault Diagnosis based on Cross-Validation Parameter Optimization Support Vector Machine. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Applications (ICHVE) (p. 1—4).
Zhan, Y. ., Zheng, B. ., Wang, Q. ., Mou, N. ., Guo, B. ., Li, Q. ., … Wang, C. . (2022). Towards Black-Box Adversarial Attacks on Interpretable Deep Learning Systems. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) (pp. 1–6).
Zhang, G. ., Xu, Y. ., Hou, Y. ., Cui, L. ., & Wang, Q. . (2022). Cyber-security risk management and control of electric power enterprise key information infrastructure. In ICETIS 2022; 7th International Conference on Electronic Technology and Information Science (p. 1—6).