Fall SoS Quarterly Meeting

Date: Oct 29, 2018 8:00 am – Oct 30, 2018 4:00 pm

Fall 2018 Science of Security Quarterly Lablet Meeting at Carnegie Mellon University



Time Activity
0830 - 0900 Registration (badges)
0900 - 0915 Welcome
Bill Scherlis (CMU) and NSA
0915 - 1000 New Project - Kansas: Customizable Run-Time Client-Side Security for COTS Binary Software
Prasad Kulkarni
1000 - 1045 New Project - UIUC: Resilient Control of Cyber-Physical Systems with Distributed Learning
Sayan Mitra
1045 - 1100 Coffee Break
1100 - 1145 Development of Methodology Guidelines for Security Research
Laurie Williams
1145 - 1200 Discovery Partners Institute
Bill Sanders
1200 - 1330 Lunch (on your own)
1330 - 1415 New Project - Vanderbilt: Mixed Initiative and Collaborative Learning in Adversarial Environments
Claire Tomlin (remote)
1415 - 1430 Break
1430 - 1515 Review of NSA IAR Challenges
NSA: Perspective on Hard Problems
George Coker (NSA)
1515 - 1600 New Project - NCSU: Reasoning about Accidental and Malicious Misuse via Formal Methods
William Enck
1600 - 1615 Break
1615 - 1745
PI Meeting [Lablet PIs only]
Future of HotSoS and other topics
  Dinner on your own


Time Activity
0900 - 0945 NSA Operations Challenges
Eric Clemons (NSA)
0945 - 1030 New Project - CMU: Security behavior observatory (SBO)
Hana Habib
1030 - 1045 Break
1045 - 1130 New Project - ICSI: Dynamic Privacy Analysis at Scale
Serge Egelman
1130 - 1200 Perspective on the Hard Problems
Bill Scherlis
1200 - 1300 Lunch
1300 - 1430 Panel: History and Future of the 5 Hard Problems
1415 Adjourn
Submitted by Adam Tagert on