Cyberpsychology Aspects of Foreign Malign Influence

Cyberpsychology Aspects of Foreign Malign Influence

Mia Bloom, International Security Fellow at the New America and Professor at Georgia State University
Sophia Moskalenko, Psychologist, Security ConsultantUN Office of Counter-Terrorism, International Hub for Behavioral Insights

This project  proposes  basic  research  offering  innovative, interdisciplinary insights into the processes that connect online and offline Russian malign disinformation campaigns and threats to national security.

Mia Bloom is an International Security Fellow at the New America and Professor at Georgia State University. Bloom conducts research in Europe, the Middle East and South Asia and speaks eight languages. She’s the author of six books and 80 articles on violent extremism including Dying to Kill: The Allure of Suicide Terror(Columbia 2005), Living Together After Ethnic Killing (Routledge 2007) Bombshell: Women and Terror(UPenn 2011) and Small Arms: Children and Terror (Cornell 2019) and Pastels and Pedophiles: Inside the Mind of QAnon with Sophia Moskalenko (Stanford 2021). Her next book, Veiled Threats: Women and Jihad is scheduled for publication by Cornell University Press in January 2025. Bloom is a former term member of the Council on Foreign Relations and has held appointments at Cornell, Harvard, Princeton, and McGill Universities. She serves on the Counter-Radicalization boards of the Anti-Defamation League, the UN Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (UNCTED), Women Without Borders and several working groups for the Global Internet Forum for Counter Terrorism (GIFCT). Bloom has a PhD in political science from Columbia University, Masters in Arab Studies from Georgetown University and Bachelors in Russian, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies from McGill, and her Pre-Doctorate from Harvard’s Center for International Studies and a Post-Doctorate from Princeton.

Sophia Moskalenko is a social psychologist studying radicalization, political violence, self-sacrifice, and disinformation. She is a Research Fellow at Georgia State University and a consultant to the NATO, the European Commission, and the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism, Behavioral Insights Hub. She has published dozens of research articles and co-written several books, including award-winning Friction: How Conflict Radicalizes Them and Us  and Pastels and Pedophiles: Inside the Mind of QAnon.

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