HCSS 2018 Poster Session

Integrated Instruction Set Randomization and Control Reconfiguration for Securing Cyber-Physical Systems
Bradley Potteiger, Zhenkai Zhang, Xenofon Koutsoukos 
Vanderbilt University

Reusability of Modeling and Verification Components between the DesignBIP and FSolidM Design Studios
Anastasia Mavridou1, Aron Laszka2, and Janos Sztipanovits1
1Vanderbilt University and 2University of Houston

Ground Impact and Hazard Mitigation for Safer UAV Flight Response
Andrew Poissant, Lina Castano, Huan Xu, University of Maryland

Static Analysis of Programmatically Generated Network Software: Challenges and Synergies
Jonathan Myers1, Raymond McDowell1, Christopher Rouff1, Doug Williams2, Daniel Bennett3 
1JHU/APL, 2Leidos, 3Shavano Systems