Software Certification Consortium Meeting 13

Software Certification Consortium Meeting #13
Requirements with Intent
May 4-5, 2014 | Annapolis, Maryland

Conference Archives:

Co-located with HCSS 2014, Historic Inns of Annapolis
The High Confidence Software and Systems (HCSS) Conference runs May 6-8, 2014

About the 13th SCC Meeting theme "Requirements with Intent":

According to many researchers, most deficiencies and disappointments in safety-critical systems occur because the requirements specificaiton does not accurately reflect the real needs and intent for that system. Much greater effort is then directed to verification of the system rather than to validation. This meeting's theme is dedicated to addressing these deficiencies.

SUNDAY, MAY 4, 2014
1200 - 1300 Lunch
1300 - 1315 Welcome and Introductions
1315 - 1345 Using Requirements Engineering to Track Down Medical Errors
Lori A. Clarke (U Mass)
1345 - 1415 Requirements on the Physical Side of Cyber-Physical Systems
Mats Heimdahl (U Minn)
1415 - 1500 Discussion 1
1500 - 1515 Coffee & Refreshments
1515 - 1630 Breakout #1
1630 - 1700 Report back from Breakout
1700 - 1730 Certifiably Safe Software-dependent Systems: Challenges and Directions
John Hatcliff (Kansas State)
1730 - 1745 Discussion 2
1900 - 2100 SCC Dinner
MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014
0730 - 0830 Continental Breakfast
0830 - 0900 Requirements Validation is Impossible: Let's Stop Pretending Otherwise - remote presentation
Michael Holloway (NASA)
0900 - 0930 Requirements Models for Human-Centric Decision Systems
Connie Heitmeyer (NRL)
0930 - 1000 Discussion 3
1000 - 1015 Coffee & Refreshments
1015 - 1045 Requirements Development in the Automotive Industry: Challenges and Status
Joseph D'Ambrosio (GM Research)
1045 - 1115 A Logical Framework for Software Development Process Standards/Requirements
Edward Griffor (Chrysler)
1115 - 1145 Discussion 4
1145 - 1245 Lunch
1245 - 1315 Tales of a quantum theorist in aerospace testing
Jordan Kyriakidis (QRA)
1315 - 1345 Capturing Safety Intent Using Assurance Cases
Arnab Ray (Fraunhofer USA)
1345 - 1415 Discussion 5
1415 - 1600 Breakout #2 (Includes Coffee)
1600 - 1645 Report back from Breakout
1645 - 1700 Actions and Wrap-up