SoS Archives

The SoS Lablet Working Group was created for the purpose of planning and coordinating research and other activities in support of NSA Science of Security initiative.

Science of Security Virtual Organization Checklist

Lead PI or Content Manager

  1. Home Page of Lablet Group
    • Create/Update Lablet Description
    • List the Lablet PI with Bio
    • List Content Manager for your Lablet
    • Click here for instructions on how to edit homepage content. 
  2. Enlist your researchers to join the SoS-VO and create their project pages
    • Click here for instructions on how to add or invite researchers to your group.

Researchers or Content Manager

  1. Create a project page for each project
    • Description
    • List PIs, Co-PIs, and Researchers
    • Add related material as applicable
  2. Host quarterly lablet meetings on the VO
    • Post event details to the SoS-VO calendar
    • Create a registration webform
    • Create a webform to collect slide presentations
    • Post the meeting agenda
    • Post the meeting materials

CPS-VO Tutorial

Points of Contact

Stephanie Yannacci - SoS Program Lead and Contracting Officer Representative - 443.634.3957
Adam Tagert - Technical Lead - 443.634.3958
Heather Lucas - SoS Virtual Organization Lead - 443.634.3960
Katie Dey (VU) - SoS Virtual Organization Admin - 301.892.0888