NSA's Science of Security and Privacy Research Network Map

The Science of Security & Privacy Initiative at the National Security Agency Research Directorate promotes foundational cybsecurity and privacy science that is needed to mature the cybersecurity discipline and to underpin advances in cyberdefense. Beginning in 2012, one part of the initiative is to fund foudnational research at "Lablets." With emphasis on building a community, each lablet created partnerships with other universities called "Sub-Lablets." Science of Security researchers often freely collaborated with researchers in other institutions worldwide. In 2014, the SURE project was founded to investigate cybersecurity in the cyber-physical systems realm. Since 2012, the initiative also promotes rigorous research methods through its annual best paper competition by highlighting the best example of scientific cybersecurity research contribution. This map illustrates the expansion of the Science of Secrutiy & Privacy Initiative community.

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AFRL..........Air Force Research Laboratory
AMAZON..........Amazon Web Services
ANU..........Australian National University
ARL..........U.S. Army Research Lab
AT&T..........AT&T Labs Research
AUBURN..........Auburn University
BC..........Brooklyn College
BUI..........Bar-ilan University
BOSCH..........Bosch Research and Tech. Center
BSU..........Boise State University
BUAA..........Beihang Universtiy
CAS..........Chinese Academy of Sciences
CCT..........Clarkson University
CERT-CC..........CERT Coordination Center
CMU..........Carnegie Mellon University
CU..........Cornell University
CU-CANADA..........Concordia University

DC..........Dartmouth College
EPFL..........École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
ETH Zürich..........ETH Zürich

FIU..........Florida International University

FRAUNHOFER IESE..........Fraunhoffer Inst. for Exper. Software Engineering
FUJITSU..........Fujistu Laboratories
GMU..........George Mason University
GOOGLE..........Google Headquarters

GOOGLE NYC..........Google New York
GT..........Georgie Institute of Technology
GWU..........George Washington University
HP..........Hewlett Packard
IBM..........IBM Research
ICSI..........Int'l Computer Science Inst. at Berkeley
IIT..........Illinois Institute of Technology
IMDEA..........IMDEA Software Institute
INL..........Idaho National Laboratory
INTEL..........Intel Labs
ISU..........Iowa State University
IU..........Indiana University
IUT..........Isfahan University of Technology
JWGU..........Goethe University
KTH..........KTH Royal Institute of Technology
L&C..........Lewis & Clark

LEEDS..........University of Leeds
LIX..........LIC Ecole Polytechnique Paris
LLNL..........Lawrence Livermore Nat'l Laboratory
LU..........Lancaster University

LUH..........Leibniz Universitat Hannover
MIT..........Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MITLL..........MIT Lincoln Labs

MSR..........Microsoft Research

MU..........Macquarie University
NCSA..........Nat'l Center for Supercomputing Applications
NCSU..........North Carolina State University
NEC Labs..........NEC Laboratories America

Newcastle (UK)..........Newcastele University
NIST..........Nat'l Inst. of Standards and Technology
NOVA..........Universidade Nova de Lisboa
NRL..........Navy Research Laboratory
NTU..........Nanyang Technological University

NSA..........National Security Agency
NU..........Northeastern University
NUST..........Nat'l University of Science & Technology
NWU..........Northwestern University
OHSU..........Oregon Heath and Science University
Oxford..........University of Oxford
PASSAU..........University of Passau
PC..........Providence College

PENN..........University of Pennsylvania
PITT..........University of Pittsburgh

PKU..........Peking University
PSU..........Pennsylvania State University

PU..........Purdue University
QUEENS..........Queens University
RICE..........Rice University
RIT..........Rochester Institute of Technology

ROYAL HOLLOWAY UNIV..........Royal Holloway, Univ. of London
RPI..........Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute
RSA..........RSA Security
RU..........Rutgers University
SC..........Swarthmore College
SEI..........Software Engineering Institute
SMU..........Singapore Management University
SRL..........Simula Research Laboratory
SU..........Stanford University
SWANSEA..........Swansea University
SYMANTEC..........Symantec Corporation
TAMU..........Texas A&M University
THU..........Tsinghua University
TODAI..........University of Tokyo
TU..........Towson University
TU DARMSTADT..........Technische Universitat Darmstadt
TU KL..........University of Kaiserslautern
TU/e..........Eindhoven University of Technology

UA..........University of Alabama
UALBANY..........University of Albany
UCAS..........University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
UC Berkeley..........University of California, Berkeley

UCI..........University of California, Irvine

UCSB..........University of California, Santa Barbara
UDS..........Universitat des Saarlandes

UE..........University of Edinburgh
UFAL..........Universidade Federal de Alagoas
UFCG..........Universidad Federal de Campina Grande

UFMG..........Federal University of Minas Gerais
UH MANOA..........University of Hawai'i at Manoa
UiO..........University of Oslo
UIUC..........University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
ULISBOA..........University of Lisbon
UMBC..........University of Maryland, Baltimore Country
UMD..........University of Maryland
UMICH..........University of Michigan
UNCCH..........University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
UNCC..........University of North Carolina at Charlotte
UNIMELB..........University of Melbourne
UNIVR..........University of Verona
UNL..........University of Nebraska Lincoln
UNM..........University of New Mexico
UNSW..........University of New South Wales
UOFW..........University of Waterloo
UP..........Universidade de Porto
UPB..........University Polithnica of Bucharest
UPM..........Universidade Politecnica de Madrid
UPV..........Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
USC..........University of Southern California
USI..........Universita della Svizzera italiana
USMA..........United State Military Academy
USNA..........United States Naval Academy
UT..........University of Twente
UT Austin..........University of Texas at Austin
UT Dallas..........University of Texas at Dallas
UTA..........University of Texas at Arlington
UTSA..........University of Texas at San Antonio
UVA..........University of Virginia
UW..........University of Washington
UW-Madison..........University of Wisconsin
UWAR..........University of Warwick
UWO..........Western University
VERISIGN..........Verisign Labs
VIATEC..........Viatec Research
VT..........Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ.
VU..........Vanderbilt University
VUW..........Victoria University Wellington
WANDOUJIA..........Wandoujia Lab
WRUT..........Worclaw University of Technology
WSU..........Wayne State University
ZIU..........Zhejiang University