Draft ACT 3 Agenda

Day 1: 6 March 2017

0700-0930:  Sign in/badging/registration/networking

0930-1015: Welcome

Lightning round introductions
Overview of ACTs 1 and 2 and lessons-learned

1015-1030: Break

1030-1145: Spin 4 outbriefs

1145-1200: Break

1200-1245: Working lunch: Julie Haney IAS brief

1245-1300: Break

1300-1400: Setting the stage for ACT 3: Ed Rhyne

1400-1415: Break

1415-1445: Update on CIO study: Kiran Lakkaraju

1415-1500: Break

1500-1545: Unclassified Threat brief/Uncleared personnel depart

1600-1645: Classified threat brief

Day 2: 7 March 2017

0830-0900: Sign-in/networking

0900-0915: Expectations for Day 2

0915-1130: Roundtable including decision makers and implementers

Why aren’t technologies being implemented
Hygiene vs technology
Organizational barriers

1130-1145: Break

1145-1230: Working Lunch: Glory Aviña Developing a model for cybersecurity adoption

1230-1600: Facilitated group discussions on issues raised during panel discussion and what would make it better

1800--Group dinner

Day 3:  8 March 2017

0830-0900: Sign-in/networking

0900-0915: Expectations for Day 3

0915-1015: Presentation of major issues/findings from Day 2 facilitated discussions

1015-1030: Break

1030-1130: Facilitated prioritization of recommendations/next steps/commitments

1130-1200: Wrap up