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Cerasuolo, F. ., Bovenzi, G. ., Marescalco, C. ., Cirillo, F. ., Ciuonzo, D. ., & Pescapè, A. . (2023). Adaptive Intrusion Detection Systems: Class Incremental Learning for IoT Emerging Threats. In (p. 3547—3555). (Original work published 2024)
Guarino, I. ., Bovenzi, G. ., Di Monda, D. ., Aceto, G. ., Ciuonzo, D. ., & Pescapè, A. . (2022). On the use of Machine Learning Approaches for the Early Classification in Network Intrusion Detection. In 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Measurements & Networking (M&N) (pp. 1–6).