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Alegria, A. V., Loayza, J. L. M., Montoya, A. N., & Armas-Aguirre, J. . (2022). Method of Quantitative Analysis of Cybersecurity Risks Focused on Data Security in Financial Institutions. In (pp. 1–7). Madrid, Spain: IEEE. (Original work published 2024)
Rojas, A. J. S., Valencia, E. F. P., Armas-Aguirre, J. ., & Molina, J. M. M. (2022). Cybersecurity maturity model for the protection and privacy of personal health data. In 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies on Education & Research (ICALTER) (p. 1—4).
Huamán, C. H. O., Fuster, N. F., Luyo, A. C., & Armas-Aguirre, J. . (2022). Critical Data Security Model: Gap Security Identification and Risk Analysis In Financial Sector. In 2022 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) (pp. 1–6).