Learn and Teach Robot Hacking

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Cybersecurity Curriculum
Free curriculum with supporting technologies to introduce students to the exciting field of cybersecurity. Enable K-12 educators and students to understand the methods of hacking and defensive solutions by experimenting on wireless controlled robots.  Curriculum uses NetsBlox based on Scratch and Snap, for students with no programming experience to learn cybersecurity skills.
Learn more at https://netsblox.org/

Participate in Educator Workshops, Available in Summer 2019
Learn to utilize cybersecurity curriculum and introduce cybersecurity principles to students. Information about the 2018 Student Camps can be found at /group/cpsscamp18/

Be Involved With Cybersecurity Research
Want to help the direction of cybersecurity? Research and science fair projects are a great way to advance the field. Getting started is easy and outstanding projects are recognized by the NSA with cash prizes at ISEF 2019. Learn more at: https://cps-vo.org/group/SoS/ISEF

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