"Bipartisan Bill to Prevent International Cybercrime Reintroduced"

A bipartisan group of U.S. senators recently reintroduced the International Cybercrime Prevention Act, which is aimed at arming law enforcement with the tools needed to combat cybercrime and better protect Americans. The bill, first introduced in 2018, creates new criminal violations for those launching cyberattacks against critical infrastructure such as hospitals, election infrastructure, power plants, and dams. The International Cybercrime Prevention Act would prohibit cybercriminals from selling access to botnets to execute cyberattacks, improve prosecutors’ ability to shut down botnets, allow authorities to seize communication devices and other property used to commit cybercrime, and more. This bill would also provide tools and resources to the Department of Justice for protecting the U.S. from future cyberattacks. This article continues to discuss the importance and goals of the International Cybercrime Prevention Act. 

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