"Computer Scientists’ New Tool Fools Hackers Into Sharing Keys for Better Cybersecurity"

Computer scientists from the University of Texas at Dallas have developed a new approach to combatting hackers. Their method, called DEEP-Dig (DEcEPtion DIGging), lures hackers into a decoy site at which researchers can examine their tactics, tools, and navigation. DEEP-Dig is a significant contribution to the growing cybersecurity field of deception technology aimed at detecting, deceiving, and luring attackers away from sensitive data upon infiltration into a system. The data gathered about hackers by applying the DEEP-Dig approach is used to train the computer to identify and stop future cyberattacks. As hackers' attack methods continue to change, DEEP-Dig could help organizations keep up with those changes and improve their cybersecurity. This article continues to discuss the DEEP-Dig approach to defending systems against hackers and the concept of deception technology.  

Science Daily reports "Computer Scientists’ New Tool Fools Hackers Into Sharing Keys for Better Cybersecurity"

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