Cyber Grand Challenge Finalist Announced

Darpa annouced the 7 finalist for the Cyber Grand Challenge with a $2 million prize.

  • CodeJitsu (Berkeley, Calif.): A team affiliated with the University of California, Berkeley
  • ForAllSecure (Pittsburgh, Pa.): A startup founded by a team of computer security researchers from Carnegie Mellon University
  • TECHx (Charlottesville, Va.): Software analysis experts from GrammaTech, Inc., a developer of software assurance tools and advanced cybersecurity solutions, and the University of Virgin
  • CSDS (Moscow, Idaho): A professor and post-doctoral researcher from the University of Idaho
  • DeepRed (Arlington, Va.): A team of engineers from the Raytheon Company
  • disekt (Athens, Ga.): Four people, working out of a technology incubator, who participate in CTF competitions around the world
  • Shellphish (Santa Barbara, Calif.): A group of computer science graduate students at the University of California, Santa Barbara

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