"Data Points Way to More Efficient, Secure Networks"

Electrical and Computer Engineering professor Abdallah Shami and his team of researchers at the Optimized Computing and Communications (OC2) lab in Western Engineering are working to improve the security and efficiency of content delivery services (CDNs) through the use of a database, containing 450 million data points provided by the telecommunications company Ericsson. Such efforts are necessary as attacks aimed at jamming telecommunications services and compromising intermediary servers are possible. Researchers are looking for patterns in the anonymized data set in relation to frequency, location, type and timing of requests, which could be used to identify normal customer behavior and attempted hacks. Their goal is to develop an algorithm to assign scores to anomalous events. This article continues to discuss the research being conducted to make CDNs more secure and efficient. 

TechXplore reports "Data Points Way to More Efficient, Secure Networks"

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