"Google Fi Says Hackers Accessed Customers' Information"
Google Fi has confirmed a data breach, possibly related to the recent security breach at T-Mobile that allowed hackers to steal the information of millions of customers. Google stated in an email to consumers that the primary network provider for Google Fi recently warned the company of suspicious activity involving a third-party support system storing a "limited amount" of Google Fi customer data. According to researchers at TechCrunch, the notice's timing and the fact that Google Fi uses a combination of T-Mobile and US Cellular for network connectivity suggest the breach is related to the most recent T-Mobile hack. This breach, which was announced on January 19, gave intruders access to the personal information of 37 million users, including billing addresses, birth dates, and T-Mobile account information. In the Google Fi incident, Google says that the hackers gained access to limited customer information, including phone numbers, account status, SIM card serial numbers, and information regarding mobile service plan specifics, such as whether unlimited SMS or international roaming was selected. According to Google, the hackers did not access users' personal information, payment card information, passwords, PINs, or the contents of text messages or phone calls. This article continues to discuss findings regarding the Google Fi data breach.
TechCrunch reports "Google Fi Says Hackers Accessed Customers' Information"