"The Growing Importance of Bio-Cybersecurity"

Healthcare systems are offering DNA sequencing as a result of the increased demand for genetic screening by patients. However, as the performance of DNA sequencing grows, the security of patients' genetic data needs to be taken more seriously by healthcare cybersecurity professionals. National security threats of biological warfare and mass surveillance programs call for the strengthening of security in regard to patients' genetic information. Hackers may steal DNA data to perform malicious activities such as blackmail and identity theft. Researchers from the University of Washington found that the DNA data process pipelines of widely used open-source programs by DNA test companies are highly vulnerable to being hacked. The use of blockchain technology has been cited as a way in which such data can be secured. This article continues to discuss the importance of bio-cybersecurity and how blockchain technology can help to protect genetic data. 

CPO Magazine reports "The Growing Importance of Bio-Cybersecurity"

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