"Hackers Use Rare Stealth Techniques to Down Asian Military, Gov't Orgs"

An ongoing campaign infects high-level organizations in Southeat Asia using two stealth techniques. The first method called "GrimResource," lets attackers run arbitrary code in the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). The second method, "AppDomainManager Injection," uses malicious Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs). According to NTT researchers, an attacker similar to China's "APT41" has been using these methods to drop Cobalt Strike onto the Information Technology (IT) systems of Taiwanese government agencies, the Philippine military, and energy organizations in Vietnam. This article continues to discuss findings regarding the hackers' stealth techniques. 

Dark Reading reports "Hackers Use Rare Stealth Techniques to Down Asian Military, Gov't Orgs"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on