"IARPA Seeking Tech to Pinpoint Cyberattack Attribution"

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) wants to provide novel technologies that will help law enforcement and the Intelligence Community (IC) better attribute the sources of malicious cyberattacks. Securing Our Underlying Resources in Cyber Environments (SoURCE CODE) is a program aimed at providing technologies to help forensic experts identify the most likely attackers based on coding styles in both source code and binary executables. In the program, top talent will measure the similarity between files and provide forensic experts with information on an attacker’s likely origins. According to IARPA, this capability will help in automatically matching similar binaries from known samples, allowing analysts to attribute malicious attacks more quickly. This article continues to discuss the SoURCE CODE program.

MeriTalk reports "IARPA Seeking Tech to Pinpoint Cyberattack Attribution"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on