"Iran-Linked Imperial Kitten Cyber Group Targeting Middle East's Tech Sectors"

In October 2023, an Iran-linked group targeted transportation, logistics, and technology sectors in the Middle East, including Israel, as part of an increase in Iranian cyber activity since the start of the Israel-Hamas war. CrowdStrike has attributed the attacks to a threat actor called Imperial Kitten, also known as Crimson Sandstorm, TA456, Tortoiseshell, and Yellow Liderc. The company's latest findings build on previous reports from Mandiant, ClearSky, and PwC, which also detailed instances of watering hole attacks that resulted in the deployment of IMAPLoader on infected systems. This article continues to discuss the Imperial Kitten group's targeting of transportation, logistics, and technology sectors in the Middle East. 

THN reports "Iran-Linked Imperial Kitten Cyber Group Targeting Middle East's Tech Sectors"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on