"It's Far Too Easy for Abusers to Exploit Smart Toys and Trackers"

A new study conducted by researchers at University College London (UCL) in the UK explores the security risks associated with wearable devices and children's IoT connected toys. The study found that there is a lack of security for such devices, especially those designed to be used by children. Smart toys were found to be lacking the most basic cybersecurity precautions, leaving them open to abuse by hackers. Security researchers have discovered that the exploitation of flaws in some smart watches' apps could allow hackers to gain access to a child's historical route data, monitor their geolocation in real-time, as well as directly speak to the child via the watch without the communication being reported to the parent's app. Some connected toys have hidden cameras and microphones that could be hacked to secretly record a child's room. The researchers say that the safety of trackers and toys can be improved by standardizing minimum security requirements that manufacturers must meet. These standards should include the removal of factory default passwords on devices. Manufacturers should publish a vulnerability disclosure to help users better understand the security risks associated with the devices. Regular software updates should also be made in response to vulnerabilities uncovered by researchers. This article continues to discuss the potential exploitation and impact of security flaws in smart toys and trackers and how to improve the safety of such devices.

The Conversation reports "It's Far Too Easy for Abusers to Exploit Smart Toys and Trackers"

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