"This Leica Camera Stops Deepfakes at the Shutter - First Camera With Built-in Content Credentials Verifies Photos' Authenticity"

The Leica M11-P, which was announced in late October, is the world's first camera to support content credentials, an encryption technology that ensures the authenticity of photos taken by the camera. The metadata system can track a photo from when it is taken to when it is published, logging every change made along the journey. Once published, the photo can show a small interactive icon that provides information, such as the device used to take it, the programs used to edit it, and whether the image is entirely or partially Artificial Intelligence (AI)-generated. This article continues to discuss the Leica M11-P camera that takes photos with built-in content credentials.

IEEE Spectrum reports "This Leica Camera Stops Deepfakes at the Shutter - First Camera With Built-in Content Credentials Verifies Photos' Authenticity"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on