"LoRaWAN Encryption Keys Easy to Crack, Jeopardizing Security of IoT Networks"

IOActive researchers discovered that LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Networking ), the widely adopted device protocol within the realms of the Internet of Things (IoT), contains serious security vulnerabilities. According to researchers, the exploitation of these security flaws, as well as the improper implementation of the protocol, could allow attackers to easily obtain LoRaWAN encryption keys to perform denial-of-service (DoS) attacks and deliver false data. In addition, there is currently no way for an organization to know if their LoRaWAN network is experiencing an attack or if bad actors have obtained an encryption key to the network. As the LoRaWAN protocol is said to have built-encryption, organizations are blindly trusting it, not considering the cybersecurity vulnerabilities and implementation issues that can leave LoRaWAN networks susceptible to hacking. This article continues to discuss the widespread adoption of the LoRaWAN protocol, the trust that organizations have in this protocol, the security layers defined by LoRaWAN, the problems associated with this security architecture, and what hackers can do once they have encryption keys to LoRaWAN networks. 

Threatpost reports "LoRaWAN Encryption Keys Easy to Crack, Jeopardizing Security of IoT Networks"

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