"Microsoft Defender Thwarted Akira Ransomware Attack on an Industrial Engineering Firm"

Microsoft announced that its Microsoft Defender for Endpoint solution helped thwart a large-scale hacking campaign conducted by Akira ransomware operators, which Microsoft tracks as Storm-1567. The attack occurred in early June 2023 and was aimed at an industrial engineering organization. According to the company, its cyber defense solution can automatically block human-operated attacks such as ransomware without the need for additional capabilities. Since March 2023, the Akira ransomware has been active, and the threat actors behind it claim to have already compromised multiple organizations in education, finance, and real estate. Like other ransomware groups, Akira has created a Linux-based encryptor targeting VMware ESXi servers. This article continues to discuss the Akira ransomware group and Microsoft's recent blocking of its large-scale hacking campaign.

Security Affairs reports "Microsoft Defender Thwarted Akira Ransomware Attack on an Industrial Engineering Firm"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on