"NATO Member Websites Targeted by Pro-Russian Hackers"
The pro-Russian hacking group UserSec has announced the start of a new cyber campaign targeting and defacing the websites of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member countries. On their official UserSec Telegram channel, the group posted an announcement about the campaign. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, numerous pro-Russian hacking groups have targeted Western governments and organizations supporting the war-torn country, particularly those offering weapons and strategic support to the Ukrainian military. According to UserSec's encrypted Telegram channel, the group was founded in January 2023 by a small number of ordinary civilians, most of whom have less than four years of hacking experience. UserSec claims to have supported KillNet attacks alongside Anonymous Sudan. Last month, KillNet, one of the most well-known pro-Russian hacking groups, launched its own campaign against NATO. On April 21, KillNet leaked the personal information of more than 4,000 individuals affiliated with NATO via a Telegram channel created specifically for KillNet's NATO-targeted attacks. This article continues to discuss the pro-Russian hacking group UserSec launching a new cyber campaign targeting and defacing websites belonging to NATO member nations.
Cybernews reports "NATO Member Websites Targeted by Pro-Russian Hackers"